What you BELIEVE you BECOME!!!
The only thing stopping you from living the life you desire is your mind.
Hello & Welcome
I’m Uesila, I’m a certified & licensed
(RTT) - Rapid Transformational Therapist
My expertise is anxiety, lack of self-love, self-esteem, confidence, grief, depression and much more...
“You are not what has happened to you, you're what you choose to become after.”
We all have beliefs, we need them to survive on this planet, but if we harbour unhelpful beliefs, we could in fact carry them with us throughout our lives, and those very beliefs can stop us from achieving what we want and desire.
Our beliefs are very powerful and they can drive us or they
can keep us stuck in our “comfort zone”.
That’s why, it’s so important to be aware of what type of beliefs we are holding on to, and if they are serving us.
Because, if they don’t serve us, we need to change them and we can change them anytime.
Our mind is very powerful, but we have to learn how it works. Our mind has the power to create an issue or illness, but also has the power to eliminate it.
We can’t separate our body from our mind, and it’s true when they say that ‘‘our body speaks our mind’’.
I invite you to think for a minute…
What type of beliefs do you have?
Is the belief you have about a certain situation or problem creating anxiety?
Have you ever questioned any of your beliefs?
Where do they come from?
Are your beliefs helping you to live the life you desire?
If no…Let me help you.
When you want to change a belief this is where the challenge begins, it’s not simple to change ingrained beliefs by ourselves, because, our beliefs are stored in the subconscious mind,
Our subconscious mind is like a computer that has to be programmed to work, usually, we acquire our programmed beliefs from an early age, we form our beliefs from our parents, teachers, our environment and traumatic events we experience.
At times, we can become aware of holding on to unhelpful beliefs, but we just can’t seem to find a way to change.
I have some good news for you, I can help you to change or eliminate old unhelpful beliefs from your life, I can help you reframe traumatic events from the past that are still stored in your subconscious mind and are holding you back. Because this is exactly what has happened to me. It’s incredible what RTT can do. RTT has transformed my life and this is my mission now, I want to help you to transform your life too.
Our emotions are the way our minds communicate with us, they bring messages - we just have to acknowledge them and listen. If we ignore them, they will entrap themselves in our bodies and our body will start raising the alarm - usually we’ll develop an illness or a condition to express what we feel inside.
Most common issues are treated using RTT’s powerful methods and tools.
Lack of self-love
Lack of self esteem
Weight Issues
Sports performance
Relationship Issues
And many more, if you are unsure about your issue, but have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I can see if I’ll be able to help - if not I can refer you to a specialist.
“Change your thoughts, Change your life.’’
— Dr Wayne W. Dyer